
时间:2019-11-04 16:06:36 职场英语 我要投稿




最近一项调查显示,有30%的求职者在简历中美化事 实或者造假。

A recent survey suggested that 30 per cent of job applicants embellished the truth or lied on curriculum vitae.

英国教育评估人特许学会所做的研究中,有一个预测听 上去真实可靠:

One prediction rang true from the research by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors.

随着失业人数迅速膨胀,及就业竞争加剧,说谎的动机 在不断增强。

It was that the incentive for mendacity is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises.

因此,在未来数月内,招聘者将接到大量内容不实的简 历,这些简历的欺骗性要比导致牛津大学圣体学院被取消由英国广播公司(BBC)主办的《大学对抗赛》比赛资格的造假严重得多。

In coming months recruiters will therefore be bombarded with CVs making claims more misleading than the kind that got Corpus Christi college disqualified from the BBC’s University Challenge.


It was the same during the downturn of the early 1990s.

当时,我的一个熟人在将他的三等学位抬高至二等一级 (2:1)学位后,得到了一家大银行培训生一职。

Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1.

一位记者同僚同时向我承认,他的顶尖大学学位完全是 捏造的。

A journalist colleague meanwhile admitted to me that his degree from a top university was entirely fictional.

另一位同龄人在解释游手好闲浪费掉的一年时光时,搪 塞称他在写一本有关比利牛斯山脉野花的野外指南。

Another contemporary explained away a year lost to bone idleness by telling prospective employers that he had been writing a field guide to the wild flowers of the pyrenees.

服务内容包括求职者背景调查的.Kroll公司的查尔 -托马斯表示,简历不实大体分为三类。

Charles Thomas of Kroll, a company whose services include background checks on job applicants, says that inaccuracies on CVs divide into three main groups.


First, there are honest mistakes, typically made when candidates muddle dates.


Second, there is deliberate fibbing about qualifications.

托马斯表示:一个在 20年前为得到某份工作而撒下的谎,可以变成说谎者现实生活的一部分。那么当换工作时,他还要再讲一遍,尽管他已成为一名成功的财务总监。

Mr Thomas says: \"A lie told 20 years ago to get a job can become part of the liar’s reality. So he tells it again when he switches jobs, even though he has become a successful finance director.\"


Third, applicants close up suspicious gaps in their employment history.

Kroll调查过的一件案例中,一位求职者有3个月 的空白被证明是因欺诈罪而关在监狱中。

In one case investigated by Kroll, a candidate turned out to have spent a three-month gap in prison for fraud

英国特许人事和发展协会研究表明,约65%的企业会 参看入围求职者的推荐信。

About 65 per cent of businesses take up references for shortlisted job applicants, according to research by the Chartered Institute of personnel and Development.


Fewer than half said they found out anything useful.

这并不令人惊讶,由于担心会惹上官司,昔日的雇主们 不会揭露真相,除了:是的,德里克曾为我们工作。他留着胡子,对资料库略懂一些。

This is hardly surprising now that the fear of litigation prevents past employers from saying anything more revealing than: \"Yes, Derek worked for us. He has a beard and knows a bit about databases\"


Less than 40 per cent of businesses bother to check academic and professional qualifications.


How can the honest candidate compete?

人力资源咨询公司penna的欧文-摩根报告称,经 济衰退意味着,报纸上一个招聘广告能吸引多至700名申请者。

The recession means that one job advertisement in a broadsheet newspaper can attract up to 700 applicants, reports Owen Morgan of penna, a human resources consultancy.

人力资源部门的低级员工通常会精减出一份初选名单, 他们阅读每份简历的时间不超过15秒。

A junior HR officer will typically whittle these down to a long list, spending no more than 15 seconds examining each CV.

这个没地位的人可能仅对电子版的简历进行一下关键词 搜索,空出来几分钟时间抽支烟。

The helot may simply run a key word search on CVs submitted electronically, freeing up a few minutes for a fag break.

人力资源咨询公司Fairplace顾问克尔温- 克从而建议,从招聘广告中摘取语句来点缀简历。

Kerwin Hack, a counsellor at HR consultancy Fairplace, therefore suggests larding CVs with phrases extracted from the job ad.

简历这种文化的时代产物正经历着急速的变化,因此有 些因素也许能够安全地省略掉。出生日期就是其一。

The cultural artefact that is the CV is undergoing rapid change, so there are other elements applicants may safely omit.

如果你年逾40,为了增加获得面试的机会,你可以剔 除这一点。

Date of birth is one. If you are over 40, you will increase your chance of an interview by leaving this out.


You will not get the job, but at least there will be free coffee and biscuits.

婚姻状况这一栏也别留着。如果你是女性,刚刚 结婚,并已准备要孩子了怎么都会让你陷入悲惨的境遇。

The \"marital status\" category is also dropping from use. If you are female,” just married and already ordering nursery curtains\" positions you poorly anyway.


\"Leisure and hobbies\" is another superfluity.

有关简历欺诈,在道义层面令我最郁闷的是,说谎者往 往把不正当得来的工作做得相当出色。

What troubles my moralistic soul most about resume fraud is that the perpetrators often do the jobs they misappropriate rather well.

只有在晋升入董事会而带来的常规核查中,洲际酒店集 团亚洲区首席执行官殷德利的学历才被曝光是伪造的。

The academic qualifications of patrick Imbardelli, Asia boss of InterContinental Hotels, were exposed as bogus only during routine checks triggered by his elevation to the board.

尼尔-泰勒的假学历让他获得了一份年薪11.5万英 镑的工作——英国国民保健服务一家信托公司的首席执行官,但同事们形容他高度胜任

Colleagues described Neil Taylor, whose fake degree secured him a 115,000 pounds salary as chief executive of an NHS trust, as \"highly competent\".


Crooks and Walter Mittys are always with us.

但如果更多的企业自己也表现得诚实,一般的求职者也 会更倾向于诚实。

However, the average job applicant would be more inclined to honesty if more companies displayed it themselves.


Instead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole.

在招聘广告里,一家位于伯肯黑德的踏实的普通企业, 变成了具有活力的、市场领先的跨国企业

In its job advertisement the solid, ordinary business with offices in Birkenhead becomes \"a dynamic, market-leading multinational\"

而实诚的普通求职者则回应以一名充满激情的客户维 护者和内部创新者

The solid, ordinary candidate responds as \"a passionate customer champion and entrepreneur\".

随着令人眼花缭乱的事业提升和志向远大的销售业绩等 承诺,双方的渴望都燃烧得愈发炽烈。

Desire burns ever hotter on both sides, with promises of meteoric career advancement and soaring sales performance.

但这种醉心痴迷在新员工第一天报到的寒冷气氛中就烟 消云散了。就像罗马人曾说的那样,激情过后,任何一种动物都会感到悲伤。

But the infatuation expires in the cold light of the first morning that the new recruit reports for work. After coition, all animals are sad, as the Romans used to say.

最好还是抑制期望,避免这种失望。而雇主应当核查一 下求职成功者的简历。这只需要5分钟。

It would be better to restrain expectations and avoid such disappointment. And employers should check successful candidates\ qualifications. It only takes five minutes.









