
时间:2019-11-04 12:01:21 广告词 我要投稿


Four Seasons Hotel - - - - - - the Oriental food, wonderful feeling ( seasons ). Four Seasons Hotel

新姿态.新口味! 海景饭店

New attitude. New taste! Seaview Hotel

自然献给您的厚礼,四季饭店则奉上款款味美无比的东方美食,您又怎能抗拒! 四季(seasons)饭店

Natural for your gift, four seasons hotels offer evaded the Oriental food very delicious, you can't resist! Four seasons ( seasons ) Hotel

昔日帝王宫殿,如今豪华宾馆. 北京贵宾楼饭店

The former Imperial Palace, now a luxury hotel. Hotel Beijing

昔日帝王宫;今朝贵宾楼. 北京贵宾楼饭店

The former imperial palace; now the VIP floor. Grand Hotel Beijing

港式火锅,惟我独有! 港式火锅城

Hongkong-fiavour chafing dish, but I am unique! Hong Kong-style hot pot city

食在仙岛众口可调,乐在仙岛服务周到! 仙岛旋转歌舞餐厅

Food in the mouth. Adjustable, joy in the island and thoughtful service! In the rotating restaurant Kabuki

大世界快餐,快餐大世界! 大世界快餐店

Big big world fast food, fast food in the world! Big world of fast food shops

您想尝一尝无糖菜汁饼干吗?欢迎您来品一品! 品一品食品总汇

Would you like to have a taste of sugar juice cookies? Welcome you to taste! Taste food confluence

您没想到的,我们都为您想到了! 品一品食品总汇

You do not mind, we thought for you! Taste food confluence

喜来登以丰富的.经验展示中国风情面貌. 中国喜来登饭店集团

Sheraton to enrich the experience of Chinese style show appearance. Chinese hotel group

你的第二个家. 友谊饭店

Your second home. Friendship Hotel

绵绵德信意,滴滴见温情! 德庆婚庆服务

Continuous Dickson, Didi see warmth! Deqin wedding service

友谊之火永不熄灭. 友谊饭店

Friendly fire never extinguished. Friendship Hotel

不要让今天的疲劳留到明天,请注入一剂辛辣良方! 延吉咖哩饭店

Don't let fatigue today till tomorrow, please into a spicy curry recipe! Yanji Hotel

纯正口味,异域情调,美式服务,全新感受,所付甚少,回味悠长! 加州牛肉面店

Pure taste, exotic, American service, new feelings, paid very little, long aftertaste! California beef noodle shop

在凉快的冷气室吃一碗热腾腾的兰州拉面,是人生一大享受! 兰州拉面店

In the cool air conditioning room eating a bowl of steaming hot noodles of Lanzhou, is a luxury in life! Lanzhou noodle shop

元芳火锅,四季享用! 元芳火锅店

Fang Yuan pot, seasons and enjoy! Fang Yuan Restaurant

南洋西餐歌舞厅,夏日浓情新风采! 西餐歌舞厅

Southeast Asia Western song and dance hall, the summer sweet new style! Western song and dance hall

香港名师主灶,正宗潮州风味! 北京潮州菜馆

尽情享受,包君满意! 意大利餐厅

Enjoy, packet-jun satisfaction! Italy Restaurant

如果您不满意,请告诉我们,如果你满意,请告诉您朋友! 北京天天渔港饭店

If you are not satisfied, please tell us, if you like, please tell your friends! Every day fishing port hotel Beijing

安心坐下来吃一碗吧!既便宜又好吃! 安心快餐店

Sit down to eat a bowl! Both cheap and delicious snack! Peace of mind

天安阁每晚显特色! 天安阁夜宵

Days club night show features days Club supper!

发源于印度,成长于台北的美味咖哩饭! 台北咖哩饭店

Originated in India, grew up in Taipei, delicious curry! Taipei Curry Restaurant

集中外烹饪之精华,汇南北清真之大成! 汇成清真饭庄

On the essence of the North-South cooking, halal Dacheng! Merged into Halal Restaurant

浓郁的香味,引人进入梦幻的世界里! 台北咖哩饭店

Strong fragrance, lead you into a fantastic world! Taipei Curry Restaurant

让您的食欲大振,胃口大开! 安心快餐店

Let your appetite, appetite at fast-food restaurants!

寒风凛冽的夜晚,热腾腾的火锅,是您最佳伙伴! 福兴饭店

Cold and windy night, hot pot, is your best partner! Fuxing Hotel

无须无渡重洋! 奇祥野味宴

No no the Seas Trading Game feast!

两全其美,二人“必胜“套餐;四海一心,四人“必胜“套餐大优惠. 新街必胜套餐店

Satisfy both sides, two "win " packages; one world, " " four win / win concessions. Street package store

新鲜可口,充满浓厚的情意! 北京寿司料理店

Fresh and delicious, full of strong feelings! Beijing sushi restaurant

美味佳肴,令人垂涎三尺! 安心快餐店

Delicacies, a drool with envy at fast-food restaurants!

名牌饼夏日情,双重幸运享太平! 太平食品店

Famous cake summer love, double lucky at peace! Peace food stores

与紫禁城为邻. 北京台湾饭店

And the Forbidden City to Beijing Taiwan hotel.

舌头都会觉得甘甜! 和平门年糕小吃店

The tongue will feel sweet peace! New Year cake snack shop

粤菜世界,食在新雅! 新雅饭店

Cantonese food in the world, ya! Ya Hotel

食全食美,食新食异! 新雅饭店

Delicious, eat food of new Xinya hotel!

汇四海品味,聚五洲宾友! 青岛海鲜城

The universal taste, poly Wuzhou bin friends! Qingdao Seafood City

吃玩随君意,龙虾海鲜城! 青岛海鲜城

Eat play with Yi-jun, Lobster Seafood City! Qingdao Seafood City

价格不变,服务更佳,上步宴客,最佳选择! 青岛海鲜城

Constant price, better service, on the banquet, the best choice! Qingdao Seafood City

食海鲜,来海景! 海景饭店

Seafood, to sea seascape hotel!

四季饭店------东方美食,奇妙感受. 四季(seasons)饭店

Food and beverage advertising language Encyclopedia

餐饮业广告语大全 餐饮广告语大全

Food and beverage industry advertisement advertisement language Daquan Daquan catering

天堂饭店,人间舒适新享受. 天堂饭店广告语

Paradise Hotel, human comfort to enjoy the new Paradise Hotel advertising language.

中国药膳举世无双,良辰美景独一无二. 中国药膳饭店广告语

Chinese medicated diet have no equal in this world, but the one and only Chinese medicated diet restaurants advertising language.

达·芬奇餐厅,上海的意大利人喜欢在这儿用餐. 上海达·芬奇餐厅广告语

Da Finch restaurant, Shanghai in Italian love in here . Shanghai Da Finch advertisement language

广州海鲜厅,新潮粤菜定令您惊喜万分. 广州海鲜厅广告语

Guangzhou seafood hall, fashionable Cantonese will make you surprised. Guangzhou seafood hall advertisement language

“青叶“台湾菜系之先锋,餐厅之鼻祖. 台湾青叶(Green Leaf)饭店广告语

" Green " Taiwan cuisine restaurant of the pioneer, the originator . Taiwan Aoba ( Green Leaf ) Hotel advertising language

借问珍馐何处有?老饕手指“福满楼“. 福满楼饭店广告语

A dainty where? " " glutton finger folk folk hotel advertisements.

福兴“蒸“照,别有洞天! 福兴饭店广告语

Fuxing " steaming " according to hidden but beautiful spot, Fuxing Hotel advertisement language!

如果您住在北京商业中心,就不必担心如何消遣休闲. 北京长城饭店广告语

If you live in the commercial center of Beijing, will not have to worry about how the pastime. The Great Wall Sheraton Hotel Beijing advertisement

多样的菜色,有母亲亲切的叮咛. 夜色火锅料理店广告语

A variety of dishes, with her mother's kind words. The hot pot restaurant advertisements

寒风凛冽的夜晚,热腾腾的火锅,是您的最佳拍档! 夜色火锅料理店广告语

Cold and windy night, hot pot, is your best partner! The hot pot restaurant advertisements

一夕尽欢,明日活力无限! 北京韩国料理店广告语

If love you, tomorrow unlimited vitality! Beijing Korean restaurant advertisements

美满婚姻“水边“始. 水边饭店

Happy marriage " waterside " beginning. Waterfront Hotel

意境悠闲,意味不凡. 北京意大利餐厅

Artistic leisure, extraordinary means . Beijing Italy Restaurant

佳味满堂乐满楼. 乐满楼(LokMoon)饭店

Tasty house music full building. Music full building ( LokMoon ) Hotel

法国情怀在北京. 北京马克西姆餐厅

French feelings in Beijing. Beijing restaurant Maksim











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