Unit9 shapes 说课稿

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Unit9 shapes 说课稿

  篇一:5A Unit9 Shapes说课稿

Unit9 shapes 说课稿

  5A Unit 9 《Shapes》(说课稿)


  本教材是江苏省牛津小学英语,它的编写原则是按“话题—功能—结构—任务”相结合,并力求使话题、功能、结构和任务四方面在比较真实的情景中紧密联系,融为一体。 本课是《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9《 Shapes》的第一课时,以“辨认形状”为主题的PartB、C部分,主要学习句型What shape is the??和6个单词rectangle、triangle、square、circle、diamond、star。利用What shape is the??这一句型展开专项训练,使学生能把所学习的六种shapes用到学生的生活和学习实际中来。通过本课的学习,主要培养学生的英语交际能力和创新能力。






  What shape is the...? It’s a / an...








  培养学生在特定语境内领悟和使用语言交际的能力是小学英语教学的重点,本课的句型What shape is the ?? It’s a an ?对培养学生的会话能力起着极其重要的作用,所以能听懂会说句型及相应回答是本课的教学重点。

  本课的教学难点是:rectangle 、triangle 、 square 、circle、diamond、star这六个词的读音及意义。











  英语课程的学习,应以任务为主线,活动为主体,学生为中心。学习通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握语言知识,语言技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程,使他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、发展个性,形成有效的学习策略的过程。所以整个教学程序我采用听、说、读、写、唱、练等一系列教学活动,具体设计为热身,新知识展示,操练,理解、运用四个步骤。 Step1: Free talk

  该环节主要是复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,为新知识的引入做铺垫,使他们立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,我和学生进行What do you like? Do you like ?What can you do ? Can you sing “Happy New year”?等口语交流,自然引入歌曲“Happy New year”的演唱。

  Step2:Warming up

  该环节主要是培养兴趣,自然导入。利用学生与多媒体课件共唱歌曲“Happy New year”导入新课,让学生在对话与歌曲的双重合作中,让学生在“玩玩唱唱”的热身活动中进入学习状态,激发其学习英语的兴趣和主动性,自然而然地为新内容的学习做好认知准备。



  1、shape。由歌曲“Happy New year”导入赠送新年卡片,询问“New year”卡片形状,学习形状单词“shape”, 句型“What shape is it?”

  2、rectangle。由询问卡片形状What shape is it?,引出观察卡片有四个角angle,四个angle组合成长方形, 教学“rectangle”,通过寻找生活中的长方形来巩固操练句型、单词。

  3、triangle。设置特定情景I’m your Art teacher today,let’s draw a

  rectangle.在纸上直接画长方形,利用画长方形、三角形,呈现a tree,引导学生继续数角来引出单词triangle, 通过寻找生活中的三角形, 来巩固操练句型、单词。

  4、square。教师出示四根竹制小棍, “变出”实物竹制教具,直接教学square,通过寻找生活中正方形, 来巩固操练句型、单词。(教师接着画正方形)

  5、diamond。教师继续变,让学生仔细观察,拉动正方形,使其变化成菱形,教学diamond,通过寻找生活中菱形, 来巩固操练句型、单词。(教师接着画菱形)

  6、circle。由拼组魔方小屋,引出圆形circle的教学,通过寻找生活中圆形, 来巩固操练句型、单词。(教师接着画圆形)

  7、star。每个环节渗透了奖励五角星,教师已重复多遍star的读音,star单词的教学就显得水到渠成。歌曲“twinkle twinkle little star”的欣赏与跟唱,巩固了单词,活跃了气氛。(教师接着画星形,此时教师进行总结,所画图形组合成了a house ,为后面活动练习环节埋下伏笔。)

  (以上单词、句型知识要让学生读准读熟,必须进行大量的操练。如何让操练变得有趣些,让孩子乐于模仿,乐于操练?我采用了形式多样的方法:升降调读,声音高到底、由低到高读,老师指挥读,学生指挥读?? 同时注意操练时词不离句,句不离词,让学生根据所提供的教具完成整体感知—个性探索—两人交流—小组讨论的学习过程,使学生能够更深层地理解和把握教材。)

  Step3 :Practice and consolidation.


  活动一、Think and do (一条直线能作成多少种图形?)

  活动二、Listen and draw.(师生同画,画所学图形得出一条鱼) Step4: Homework.课堂延伸,拓展应用。


  2.继续做调查,生活中哪些物品是一个triangle rectangle circlesquare.

  八、说板书设计本课板书,主要围绕6个重点单词rectangle、triangle、square、circle、diamond、star和句型What shape is the??来设计,以帮助学生理解、熟悉句型和单词。

  篇二:Great shapes

  Great shapes

  Come on, guys, let's sing about shapes!

  A triangle has got 3 sides

  Just three sides

  A triangle has got three sides and 3 corners

  A square has got four equal sides

  Equal sides

  A square has got 4 equal sides and 4 corners

  A rectangle is like a square

  Like a square

  But longer

  A rectangle is like a square

  But 2 sides are longer

  A trapezoid has two straight lines 2 straight lines

  A trapezoid has 2 straight lines The other 2 are not

  A circle is round just like a ball

  Like a ball

  A circle is round just like a ball

  And has no corners at all

  An oval is a long circle

  Long circle

  An oval is a circle that is longer on 2 sides

  A diamond is a crooked square Crooked square

  A diamond is a crooked square That stands up on its end

  This is a star

  It has 5 points

  Has 5 points

  This is a star it has five points

  And shines up in the sky

  篇三:lesson43 说课稿

  Lesson 43: A Visit to Chinatown说课稿


  今天,我要说课的内容是冀教版九年级, Lesson 43:A Visit to Chinatown.我将从教材分析,教法设计,学法指导,教学过程和板书设计五个方面作以说课:


  Lesson 43: A Visit to Chinatown是冀教版九年级英语全册Unit8: Culture Shapes Us 的第1课, 新课标要求学生懂得中西方的文化差异。本课是这个单元的第一课,是为学习整个单元的不同文化的学习服务的,是学习整个单元的基础。本课主要讲的是在圣诞节来临之际,发生在Jenny,Brain,和Li Ming之间有关中国的春节和西方的圣诞节文化的一段对话,紧紧围绕新课标的要求和单元目标。1.知识目标

  (1)掌握词汇:fork, dragon, chopsticks,chinatown,temple,decoration,bowl, spoon,lantern, underground

  (2)掌握短语:lucky money,temple fair

  2. 能力目标








  spoon,lantern, underground

  2.短语:lucky money,temple fair,

  难点: 1.掌握speak,tell,talk,say的用法。

  2.对对话内容, 通过小组交流、班级讨论、汇报展示等方式, 能针对这一话题展开简单讨论。




  引导学生根据教师对本课的设计,通过积极操练、反复朗读、及时巩固 、必要的听、读、说、以及合作交流的方法进行学习。在课堂上,学生要积极参与教师设计的每个教学活动,要大胆开口,和其他同学及时进行英语交流。只有这样,才能将书本知识变成自己的知识和语言能力;也只有这样,才能实现脱口说英语的目的。





  Step2:Lead -in

  首先,通过学习本单元的单元目标,让学生了解到本单元我们要学习的重点,其次,由“What is the date today?”引出即将到来的“Christmas Day,New Year’s Day and Spring Festival are coming”接着告诉大家今天我们要学习内容。Lesson 43: A Visit to Chinatown,圣诞节的时候,Jenny,Brain,和Li Ming做了什么? Step3:New lesson

  1. 新单词。出示图片,让学生欣赏唐人街的繁华,接着引出一组图片,通过图片让学生认知新单词。


  2. Come to“Think About It”,学生在经过几分钟的思考后进行讨论,为节省时间,我把学生分成A、B两组分别对两个问题进行讨论,最后鼓励他们尽量用英语表达想法。


  3. Listening播放录音,听后解决问题






  4. Explain the difficult points

  1) be + doing

  2) speak, tell, say, talk 的用法辨析。

  【设计意图】解决课文中难以理解的知识,帮助学习理解课文和知识点的用法。 Step4: Practice: 出示speak, tell, say, talk 的用法辨析的练习题。学生辨析,教师点拨。


  Step5:Summary;To finish “let’s do it”,找出春节和圣诞节的相同和不同之处






  Unit 7 Will people have robots? Reading (2a-2b)

  designed by陈莹

  Teaching material

  The passage is taken from Unit 7, Book Eight and it is focused on what robots are like today and what robots will be like in the future, which can greatly attract students’ interests.

  Teaching theory and methods

  This lesson is organized as a task chain which consists of several tasks. In the interactive discussion, students are required to focus on the task rather than language itself. Methods will be used : task-based approach teaching method, question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion teaching method, group work or individual work method. Teaching objectives

  ①This lesson is taught in communication and for communication. It can help students to learn how to collect and handle information so that they can surely have a better comprehension of any other passage.

  ②Get them to think about the passage and get the useful information using their own words.

  ③Cultivate the students’ imagination about future life and get them to know the importance of friendship.

  ④Make the students have a basic knowledge about robots today and robots in the future. Get them to know anything will be possible if we put effort into study, work or something.

  ⑤Get them to solve problems they neet with others’ help---write to a robot scientist for help.

  Teaching aids Multimedia and blackboard

  About the students

  All the phrases with their Chinese meanings have already been handed out to the students before this unit.

  ⑴. movies about the future

  ⑵. be like human servants

  ⑶. do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places

  ⑷. do simple jobs over and over again

  ⑸. make robots talk like humans

  ⑹. be able to think like humans

  ⑺. disagree with sb

  ⑻. in the future

  ⑼. (in) hundreds of years

  ⑽. have many different shapes =be in different shapes

  ⑾. for example

  ⑿. make robots which look like snakes

  ⒀. fall down

  ⒁. seem impossible Teaching procedures


  Lead-in: lead in by using a picture of a game character from a popular online game.Talk about what it looks like and what it can do. Then ask students what kind of robot they want. During this, show the attributive clause without explanation on the screen, and only get the students to know the characteristics of the sentence pattern, in which some words are marked.


  Get the stdents to turn to Page 53 and see robots today and in the futrue. Go through the passage one paragraph by one paragraph

  together with the students. Have the students get the useful information of each paragraph and of the whole passage. At the same time, ask them to

  find what each paragraph is about so that they can get to know the structure of the whole passage. What’

  s the title of the passage? So what’

  s the passage about?

  What’s this paragraph about?

  . After getting the useful information of the whole passage, Show it on the screen without some words or phrases. Ask the students to fill in the blanks so that they can be more familiar with the information of the passage. Some of them are open. Students can use any words or phrases if they are suitable in the passage.

  . Get the students to be familiar with the information by reading it several times. Then ask them to give a shorter one.Then show

  the teacher’s edition. Finish it the same way as the previous step. Give out some hints or explanations if needed. Some of the blanks are open.

  . Get the students to read through the passage and tell if the statements are true or false. And then give the reasons or find the original sentences. Get them to know the differences between the original sentences and the answers.

  True or false

  1. Robots today are like human servants. ( )

  2. Robots help people do the most pleasant jobs. ( )

  3. Scientists try to make robots look different from people. ( )

  4. Some robots in Japanese companies can walk and dance. ( )

  5. Robots will never get bored to do simplejobs over and over again. ( 6. Rockets seemed possible a hundred years ago. ( )

  . After that, get some students to ask any questions they like and others can answer them. And then show some unique quesitons on the screen to see which student is the smartest.

  篇五:北师大版高一模块2unit6Chinese Paper Art说课稿

  Chinese Paper Art 说课稿



  2、通过模块1和模块2前面两个单元的学习,学生已经初步把握熟悉了以话题为主的单元构成,而且发展了相关话题的词汇和拓展话题的基本能力。 3、笔者授课班级已组成了合作学习小组,他们是按照同学的学科优劣、个性等搭配而成,平时经常进行小组活动,有合作基础和经验。


  Chinese Paper Art是北京师范大学出版社出版的高中英语必修模块二Unit6 Design的Reading版块。这一版块主要介绍了中外著名艺术、艺术家及其不同的艺术风格,了解中外绘画艺术风格,了解英语国家典型的居民住房和中国的剪纸艺术以及一些世界遗产。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生加深对中外文化的理解,初步了解英语国家文化在日常生活和人们价值观中的体现,理解交际中的文化差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。本课是本单元的话题之一。文章主要从剪纸的历史、种类、用途等话题展开,旨在让学生了解中国的剪纸艺术,加深对中国文化的理解,培养学生的人文意识、保护和弘扬民族文化的意识。文章配了多幅精美的剪纸作品,以对话的形式介绍中国的剪纸艺术,通俗易懂。本节课为阅读课的第一课时,教师应强化学生在阅读的过程中快速提取并分析信息的能力,指导学生学会用英语介绍中国剪纸艺术,能实现跨文化交流。





  (一) 语言知识目标 1)熟悉以下词汇和短语

  bat, tomb, dynasty, purpose, pattern, character, happiness, temple, jewellery, religious; date back to/date from, relate to, try out 2)充分理解课文大意并完成所给的任务。 3)用所学的词汇和要点复述或归纳文章内容。

  (二) 能力目标


  2)学会从上下文猜测词义,进一步提升查找信息、快速获取信息的能力。 3)能用英语简单介绍剪纸艺术,积极参与语言实践活动,提高用英语进行思维和表达的能力。

  (三) 情感目标


  2)激发学生学习并使用英语的兴趣,在英语交流中保持主动表达的热情与愿望。 3)培养学生的跨文化交际意识、合作意识、乐于分享信息和资源的意识。

  五、教学重点和难点 1)整体理解全文大意。





  七、教学过程 Step I Lead-in

  The pictures of some Chinese folk art, for example, embroidery, handcraft etc. A Paper-cutting Video dub in background music 幻灯片 1 Pictures of some paper cuts 1. Can you use paper to make things?

  2. What are these? How do you like them? (show the students some color paper) 3. On what occasion would we use paper cuts?

  Have you ever seen paper-cutting, such as flowers, animals, types of facial makeup in operas?

  幻灯片 2 To appreciate more pictures of bat, character, jewellery etc. 【设计意图】


  (1) 首先展示一些中国艺术瑰宝的图片,激发学生对祖国丰富的文化遗产的热爱,引出剪纸的话题;

  (2) 让学生看一段剪纸作品的视频,提出和纸有关的问题,鼓励学生开口谈论一些关于剪纸的问题,对文章内容进行预测,为随后的信息交流做好准备。尤其是展示奥运剪纸及胡锦涛总书记亲手制作的剪纸画,将使剪纸这一话题更加鲜活和贴近学生的生活,把同学们学习剪纸的热情推向高潮,激发学生对中国民间艺术的热爱。

  (3) 在屏幕上展示中国古今的各种各样剪纸画,让学生用英语说出每幅画的名称,这些英语单词都是本课中出现并要求同学们学习和掌握的单词。笔者抛开传统的教读单词法,通过图片展示这种直观教学法,让学生观察、欣赏各类精美的剪纸的同时学习单词,理解单词的意思。

  StepII While-Reading Task 1 skimming

  1)Read the text quickly and find the topic sentence of each paragraph. Para1 a. Types of paper-cutting Para2 b. Conclusion (总结) Para3 c. Introduction of Chen Zijiang Para4 d.. The history of paper-cutting Para5 e. Paper cuts used for decoration

  Para6 f.. Paper cuts used for religious purpose Para7 g. Paper cuts for making patterns or designs

  2) Ask the students to check their answers in pairs first, and then the teacher tells them the correct answers. ( Keys: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4. e 5. f 6. g 7. b )

  3)What’s the main purpose of the writer’s writing the article? A. To interest the readers.

  B. To call on people to learn paper-cutting. C. To introduce Chen Zijiang. D. To introduce the art of paper. (Key: D) 【设计意图】


  Task 2:Scanning

  1. Ask the students to read the text again and choose the best answers. (1) Why did the author interview Chen Zijiang? A. To try out paper-cutting.

  B. To know a girl with good paper-cutting skills. C. To get some materials for an article on Chinese Art. D. To get some materials for paper-cutting.

  (2) The author was ________ to learn that some farmers in Southern Dynasty chose wives by their paper-cutting skills.

  A. angry B. surprised C. pleased D. interested

  (3) Paper cuts showing the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate ________.

  A. birthdays B. weddings C. parties D. temple fair (4) What do you suppose will most probably happen? A. Chen Zijiang will help the author make paper cuts.

【Unit9 shapes 说课稿】相关文章:







7.《 战争》说课稿
